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What is the Need

Technology is one of if not the greatest achievements we have made as a society ever. It has given us so much potential to advance as a society and create a better world than before. Although it has so much potential to be extremely useful we don't only use it for good but also for evil. With the advancements of technology and the invention of the internet, we have used it to tear people down and hurt them. This has caused our society to go back on making advancements and has caused massive mental health problems in the United States . The role of social media has had such a negative impact on how we interact act with one another and it has caused cyberbullying to become the biggest way people are torn down. This is cause for me to believe that technology does not create the healing that it was originally thought to create.  Another aspect of technology that has a negative impact on people is the amount of time people spend it staring at other people's pictures or sending phot

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