The Age of AI

I believe that artificial intelligence is one of the greatest creations to come out. It allows for many new creations like self-driving cars and hopefully a better future. It also has some downsides that worry the population and that is its ability to track people and recognize who they are and where they are going. We can see this being used the most in China for stuff as simple as purchasing soup from a vending machine. This makes purchasing items easier but also creates a worry for the community because of how they're getting all their information. Another worry about AI is its ability to do tasks better than humans making simple jobs like driving tucks no longer needing human drivers. Why would a company pay a person to do the same job that a computer can do better for free. This creates worry for the people in businesses that are starting to see AI be incorporated because of worry they will be out of a job and not be able to provide for their families. Although there are many scary parts of AI it also allows humans to live a safer life. Such as fewer road accidents and also being able to recognize crime before it happens. but the biggest advantage is in the medical feild. Like being able to spot a tumor months before a professional doctor is able to. AI is scary and also helpful it is going to take time to see what it is able to do for us in the future.


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