What is the Need

Technology is one of if not the greatest achievements we have made as a society ever. It has given us so much potential to advance as a society and create a better world than before. Although it has so much potential to be extremely useful we don't only use it for good but also for evil. With the advancements of technology and the invention of the internet, we have used it to tear people down and hurt them. This has caused our society to go back on making advancements and has caused massive mental health problems in the United States. The role of social media has had such a negative impact on how we interact act with one another and it has caused cyberbullying to become the biggest way people are torn down. This is cause for me to believe that technology does not create the healing that it was originally thought to create. 

Another aspect of technology that has a negative impact on people is the amount of time people spend it staring at other people's pictures or sending photos of their faces to other people. This has created a fast way for people to walk with each other without actually saying any words, which in theory sounds great. But it has instead caused people to judge others and even talk shit about people behind their backs if a post is not to their liking or against what they believe. Social media is what I believe to be the cause of many of the issues that we have in our society. This is because we spend hours and hours every day comparing ourselves to what we see online and creating a standard that cannot exist for many people out there. This standard is what causes people to lose hope in themselves and in the stuff going on around them. We are spending too much time comparing ourselves to others and not caring about what makes us happy. we need to get back out in the world and have a conversation with people again.

Personally, I believe that technology has helped me stay informed because I am smart about using it and have many news sources or outlets that allow me to know what is really happening. This is not the case for somewhere they only look at one source and it causes them to be misinformed about what is going on in the world. We see this a lot with COVID and not being able to depict accurate information about stuff like the vaccine. This is because when you search for a specific topic you get a result back with that information, so if you type " COVID vaccine and its flaws" you will get an article with information that is pertaining to that topic. this causes people to be miss informed because they are only getting information that they want and not the accurate story that is needed to understand what is going on. This is another reason that technology has held us back and stopped us from making advancements at a fast rate.

Finally, online footprints are a huge part of what we leave behind and how employers will be used to look at us in the future. When you google me not much comes up the only part that shows is Linkedin. This is the most important to me because as a college student I that to be what is seen first. This puts a good step forward as it allows for people to see who I am and what I have been working on while being a student. This may not be the same for others as it allows for people that have not worried about their online footprint to be screwed out of jobs because of what they may have said in the past. It can help you get a good start with a new job or can mess up your chances because of what you may have done in the past. I believe managing your online footprint is the most important part of being kids our age. it allows us to get a step in the door for employers and can help our chances of success in the future.

Overall technology has helped in so many ways but it has caused many more issues than what was first anticipated. This causes use to not be able to solve the issues it has made and creates issues that must be resolved before we can create the utopia that we hope to one day live in.


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