How Pc's Came to be

In 1943 the first computer was invited, and it was known as the ENIAC machine. This stood for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. This type of computer was the size of entire rooms, and the government had almost 400,000 dollars to make. The reason this computer was created was to help with the calculations of the hydrogen bomb. Unfortunately, these computers cost way too much for an individual, taking up too much space.

                                                                Orginal ENIAC

With the price being too high and no way for an average consumer to even acquire one, people began to look into the creation of Personal Computers. The first personal computer was created in 1974, and this was a massive step in the design of technology. This computer is known as Altair, and it was created by IBM. This computer could do essential functions like simple play games and also could do mathematic problems. This was possible because of the creation of microprocessors. This works just like the human brain and allows the computer to understand what the user wants.

Altair created by IBM
The invention of personal computers is because it allowed for an easier way of doing menial tasks that are needed to be done every day. They can make complicated calculations more rapidly than humans can and provide the user with a more accurate answer when used correctly. This allowed more complex solutions to be found more quickly and became more efficient when using a computer.

This leads us into today and how critical personal computers are. As people, we use computers almost every day of our lives, and they provide an ease of life that would not happen without them. Computers allow us to do millions of different operations daily. Not only have computers power improved we have even made it possible to carry one in our own pocket. This allows us to stay connected with anyone from anywhere. Without personal computers, we would not be able to perform the tasks that we do every day as rapidly or precisely.


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