Diffusion Theory Computers

The first computer was invented in 1974 and called the Altair. The Altair was important because it paved the way for many other companies to create a better and cheaper version that people would want without breaking the bank. This allowed for computers to become important for many working-class Americans because they made complex tasks much simpler and faster. This was especially noticeable in businesses because the creation of excel could do all different calculations for you making spreadsheets super important.  This lead to early companies using personal computers in their offices. But not many people could afford computers because of the average cost of 3,000$ plus at the time. This made it very challenging for most to have computers. A massive sike in computer came when they became much cheaper. Not only did the price drop but computers started to become more powerful allowing the user to create more than ever before. This allowed million to see the use of computers and why they are beneficial to the future progress of the world. The downside people have with computers is the way that they can track our information making it hard for some people to buy. Some worry about the security they have with their information being sold to others for stuff like targeting ads and even as the government being able to track what websites you use and why you go on them. This is why the sale of computers isn't for everyone.


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