What I Learned

I got the opportunity to present on Personal Computers. I was able to learn many things I didn't know before about them. It all started with the first computers being used to do calculations on ammunitions tests in the military for weapons like the atom bomb. People began to see the important calculations that were being made and saw a need for people to be able to have a computer. The first computers used to take up entire rooms and it took hard work and a garage to create a small computer that could be used by a user in his home. This began a spark throughout the country that saw the revolutionary engineering that went into computers and companies began to buy them and use them to make advanced calculations but in an office and not in a lab. This allowed businesses to make excel spreadsheets that would do the work for them. It also paved the way for how we do work now. Allowing us to type documents and do millions of tasks on a device that fits in our backpacks now. To me, it shows the true innovation humans have to be able to shrink what was a device costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to being bale to but a Chromebook for a hundred dollars. It's amazing what we are able to create and accomplish. 


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