What News Networks do I Use

Fox News

I use fox news because they show the content the way it is for global events. In the political stance, they are very sided with the republicans and this in some cases causes the news to not be accurate. Another reason I use Fox is that I had always seen it on when I was a kid and have come accustom to just putting it on. The final reason I like Fox is because of the newscasters. They always seem very into the story, and they want to give all the details they can to the viewer.

The New York Times

I love the New York Times. One of my favorites reason for this is because they have this feature through google that sends you a daily snippet of what is going on. This is really helpful for someone like me who doesn't always look at the news; I find it very depressing. But, in my opinion, the New York Times also writes very well stories, writes with great detail, and tries to get right to the point in their writing. They don't dodge around the subject and just want to get the information to the reader. The final reason is that they post stories right when they happen and keep the site as updated as possible.


I use ESPN because they have the most extensive coverage of all the sports you can watch. Also, having ESPN+ gives access to a wide variety of shorts that cover a story in only three to five minutes. They also help out with fantasy and give projections each week on which players you should have played. Finally, they cover the most sports and are ready to cover sports you don't even know, like lawnmower racing and cornhole.

The Wall Street Journal

I use The Wall Street Journal for the business side of the news. I look for information about the market and also just up-to-date company news. The reason The Wall is remarkable is that they have a separate news tab just  for the economy. This is really nice because you can see what may be affecting the market. This is very beneficial when making investments in the market, allowing you to do fast and educated research need to make the right choice. They also have a live market ticker on the top of the front and center page, allowing you to see how the market is doing at all times. The final aspect of The Wall Street Journal that I like is how each article has a sub-category allowing you to really get down to the detail in what you are looking for when searching for a specific theme.


This is one of the best news sources that have whatever questions I have for them. They are always ready to answer and even show me what they are talking about. My aunt has been an editor for the majority of the articles that have been posted on Scholastic. This means that she always has to be up to date with what is going on in the world; it also means that what she writes about has to be the truth and can't be skewed because of beliefs. This allows me to have someone I can ask anything about or even just ask if she has heard anything significant in the news lately.


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