
We have all of our personal information online now and we think that what we put there is safe, but this isn't true. Even something as important as our car is being fallowed through cameras and the government tracks our location and where we are traveling to at all times.

Tracking also occurs through devices like our phones and is stored in the memory of the device. Iphones have privacy settings that are being updated constantly and they are the only ones that have access to our information unless we say they can use it. This still can be used against us with certain workarounds that are in place allowing the government to get access to information if needed. This shows how scary it is to have our lives on our devices and how important it is to watch what we say and post.

In order to stop or slow the spread of our information, you have to be very conscious of what you are placing for information on your device and who you are allowing to access it to later on down the road. User privacy is more important than ever because companies are realizing that people don't really like to be tracked. It is also important to make sure that you are aware of the privacy terms that the company makes and what exactly they say they can take from you.


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